Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day 2 - July 31, 2006

Hello from Wisconsin, well it might be Minnesota, we are right on the border in Analoska (I think).

Today was extremely long! The most interesting city was Cincinnati. We just drove by it, but I really want to go there one day.

After that was the long journey of corn and soybean fields! I think that is all that is in Indiana and Illinois.

It seemed like forever until we finally got to Madison, Wisconsin where we made our turn west.

We stopped at Wisconsin Dails for dinner. That place is neat, it is like a water park resort.

So far we have driven 1200 miles and I am starting to feel it.
Plus it is hot here! It was still 90 degrees at 8:00 PM!

We're going to South Dakota tomorrow to see Mt. Rushmore, which I am really looking forward to. I'm not looking forward to the empty roads and really hot weather though.

There isn't anybody out here! I talked to Josh on Saturday and he is already in Canada. Luckily, he got me prepared for the road.

I'll be glad when we all get there though!

Well I need to sign off and get some sleep.